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16.01 / With the Brennabor on wooden wheel spokes to the founding party conference in Berlin
[Photo taken: October 1931]
16.01.02 / The breakdown with the Brennabor
[Photo taken: October 1931]
16.02 / The delegates in Berlin (2nd from right Otto Brenner)
[Photo taken: October 1931]
16.03 / A meeting at the Burghaus (Hanover)
16.04 / Dr Kurt Rosenfeld will speak (poster)
16.05.01 / The Agitprop Group
[Photo taken: Restaurant Karl Meyer ("Grütscher") with cinema hall, house 25, today Bährenkampstraße 3, Wennigsen/Deister, 19.06.1932]
16.05.02 / The Agitprop Group (with W. Ballhause)
"The National Socialists were the beneficiaries of the discord within the workers' movement, the, one might say, insurmountable hatred that developed there. And we ourselves were in the middle of it, we tried to bring about a unity of action at the last minute, but much too late, in March 1931. We did not succeed, but in January 1933, when Hiltler was already in power, or was supposed to come to power, we still put the slogans on the wall ourselves. Our slogan was: If the SPD and KPD go together, Adolf Hitler must go on the dole."
(Walter Ballhause in the documentary film "Linden – Ein Arbeiterlied", Wallat, Winfried / Jost, Wolfgang, Lumiére-Film Produktion, 1991)
[Photo taken: Restaurant Karl Meyer ("Grütscher") with cinema hall, house 25, today Bährenkampstraße 3, Wennigsen/Deister, 19.06.1932]
(Walter Ballhause in the documentary film "Linden – Ein Arbeiterlied", Wallat, Winfried / Jost, Wolfgang, Lumiére-Film Produktion, 1991)
[Photo taken: Restaurant Karl Meyer ("Grütscher") with cinema hall, house 25, today Bährenkampstraße 3, Wennigsen/Deister, 19.06.1932]
16.05.03 / The speaker (before the meeting in Wennigsen/Deister)
"Here we are on agitation and propaganda. Before a meeting, our speaker is shaved. Hitler did it the other way round."
(Walter Ballhause in a tape recording for Dr Michael Stiegler, 1987)
[Photo taken: June/July 1932]
(Walter Ballhause in a tape recording for Dr Michael Stiegler, 1987)
[Photo taken: June/July 1932]
16.06 / Election poster ("Prolet grab!" (Lingner))
[Photo taken: Hanover, April/May 1932]
16.07 / Action against Nazi nest
[Photo taken: Hanover, April/May 1932]
16.08 / Flag of the SJV (social youth association) in the training camp on the Örtze
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.09 / Supervision of the training tent camp (police stand on the right)
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.10 / SJV flagapell
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.11 / Political class in the open air
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.12.01 / The song in the evening
"This is an overview picture of a group of young people who belong to the Socialist Youth League. They are singing and playing a song on the hillside in the evening. And at the top of the picture, villagers look on curiously. This camp had a purpose. The last day fell on Whitsun 1932, it was practically the last big meeting of the Hanover Socialist Youth Association. [...] I first met my present wife (1st R., 1st from left) at Whitsun 1932 at the training and holiday camp on the Örtze near Wolthausen [...]. In autumn 1934 we became close, my present wife and I, and tied the knot in August 1936. During my imprisonment she bore all the suffering with me."
(Walter Ballhause, in a tape recording for Dr. Michael Stiegler, 1987)
(Walter Ballhause, in a tape recording for Dr. Michael Stiegler, 1987)
16.12.02 / The song in the evening
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.13 / Free time in the camp
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.14 / Cooking
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.15 / Cooking
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.15.01 / Cooking
16.15.02 / Cooking
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.15.03 / Food in the training camp
[Photo taken: Whitsun 1932]
16.16 / Young socialists on hike with workers' children
[Photo taken: September/October 1931]
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